sets 1701-1800

Title Title Sang VDA54 UNIFI
The Story of Italy Histoire de l'Italie S1701 VD484 F1687
The History of Mexico Histoire du Mexique S1702 VD486 F1689
Turtles Tortues (les) S1703 VD485 F1700
Luminous Animals Animaux lumineux S1704 VD508 F1702
Prehistoric Animals Still Surviving Animaux issus de la préhistoire S1705 VD501 F1701
The Artillery Artigliera (l') S1706   F1703
Grasshoppers Cavalette (le) S1707   F1704
How Children are Carried Comment elles portent leur enfant S1708 VD506 F1705
Sardinian Costumes Costumi della sardegna S1709   F1706
Dinosaurs I dinosauri S1710   F1707
Letters and Figures on Butterflies I Lettere e numeri nelle farnale S1711   F1708
Gaul Before Julius Caesar Gaule avant Jules Caeser (la) S1712 VD504 F1709
Sardinian Grenadiers I granatieri di sardegna S1713   F1710
Leopold II Leopold II S1714 VD496 F1714
Inedible Fish Poissons impropus à la comsomation S1715 VD505 F1716
Aquarium Plants Plantes d'aquarium S1716 VD497 F1715
The History of Argentina Histoire de l'Argentine S1717 VD500 F1711
The History of Poland Histoire de la Pologne S1718 VD507 F1713
The History of Italy XV Storia d'Italia XV S1719   F1717
The History of Italy XVI Storia d'Italia XVI S1720   F1718
The History of Italy XVII Storia d'Italia XVII S1721   F1719
The History of Italy XVIII Storia d'Italia XVIII S1722   F1720
The History of Moscow Histoire de Moskou S1723 VD498 F1712
Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh S1724 VD502 F1721
Alchemy Alchemie (l') S1725 VD516 F1722
Brillat-Savarin Brillat - Savarin S1726 VD520 F1724
Coffee Café (le) S1727 VD515 F1725
Well Known Italian Benefactresses Celebri benefattrici Italiane S1728   F1726
Marine Parasites Phénomènes de regression chez les S1729 VD513 F1738
Italian Lakes II Laghi Italiani S1730   F1733
Polish Legends Legendes de la Pologne S1731 VD509 F1734
Insects' Nests Nids d'insectes S1732 VD510 F1736
Peer Gynt Peer Gynt S1733 VD518 F1728
Conquering Nations of Asia Peuples conquerants d'Asie S1734 VD519 F1737
State Prisons and Their Famous "Guests" Prisons d'état et leurs hôtes célèbres S1735 VD522 F1739
Quentin Metsys Quintin Metsys S1736 VD512 F1735
San Carlo Borromeo San Carlo Borromeo S1737   F1740
Artificial Satellites I satellite artificiale S1738   F1741
History of Cribs Storia del presipio S1739   F1742
The History of Italy XIX Storia d'Italia XIX S1740   F1743
The History of Italy XX Storia d'Italia XX S1741   F1744
The History of Italy XXI Storia d'Italia XXI S1742   F1745
The History of Bulgaria Histoire de la Bulgarie S1743 VD514 F1729
The History of Greece Histoire de la Grece S1744 VD511 F1730
The History of Roumania Histoire de la Roumanie S1745 VD517 F1731
The History of Yugoslavia Histoire de la Yougoslavie S1746 VD521 F1732
European Song Birds I Ucelli cantori Europei I S1747   F1747
Military Aircraft Aereonautica militaire S1748   F1749
Alpine Troops Gli alpini S1749   F1723
The Adventures of Pinocchio Avventuri di pinocchio (le) S1750   F1764
Bilharziosis (Parasitic Disease) Bilharzione (la) S1751 VD529 F1750
Breeds of Dogs II Chiens (les) S1752 VD531 F1752
Cavalry Cavalleria S1753   F1751
Cicero Ciceron S1754 VD526 F1753
Scottish Clans Clans écossais (les) S1755 VD528 F1754
Conquest of the Highest Mountains Conquista delle grandi cime (la) S1756   F1755
Medical Dress Through the Ages II Il costume del medico altr. i tempi III S1757   F1756
Gods and Flying Heroes of Ancient Greece Dieux et héros volant des Grecs S1758 VD523 F1727
Letters and Figures on Butterflies II Lettres et chiffres chez les papillons S1759 VD525 F1763
Funiculi (cable cars) Funivie S1760   F1758
Owls Hiboux (les) S1761 VD527 F1759
"La Figlia Di Jorio" Figlia di jorio (la) S1762   F1757
Alpine Refuges Rifugi Alpini S1763   F1766
Roger De La Pasture Roger de la Pasture S1764 VD532 F1767
Chair Lifts Seggiovie (le) S1765   F1768
Story of the Knights Templars Storia dei templari S1766   F1769
The History of Finland Histoire de la Finlande S1767 VD524 F1760
The History of Czechoslovakia Histoire de la Tchechoslovaquie S1768 VD530 F1761
The History of Italy XXII Storia d'Italia XXII S1769   F1746
Typical Italian Dwellings Tipiche abitazione Italiane S1770   F1748
European Song Birds II Uccelli cantori Europei II S1771   F1770
The World's Motorways Autostrade nel mondo S1772   F1771
Belgian Expeditionary Forces Corps expéditionnaires Belges S1773 VD537 F1773
Famous Dams Grandi dighe (le) S1774   F1774
Textile Fibres Fibre tessili S1775   F1775
Children's Games of Yesteryear Jeux d'enfants d'autrefois S1776 VD533 F1762
Exploits of the Belgian Air Force Gloires de l'aviation militaires S1777 VD534 F1772
Leonardo Da Vinci, Inventor Leonardo De Vinci inventeur S1778 VD535 F1776
The Dead Sea Scrolls Manuscrits dela mer morte (les) S1779 VD536 F1777
Aquarium Fish Pescid'acquario S1780   F1778
Peter Breugel Pierre Breughel S1781 VD538 F1779
Painters of the Rissorgimento Pittori del risorgimento S1782   F1765
Bridges I ponti S1783   F1780
Italian Ports Porti Italiane S1784   F1781
Predators of the Deep Prede ambite del pescadore subacqueo S1785   F1782
History of Rifles I Storia del fucile I S1786   F1783
History of Military Engineering Storia del Genio S1787   F1784
Well Known Tunnels I grandi trafori S1788   F1785
Stringed Weapons Armi da corda S1789   F1786
Marine life Fauna di gran fondale S1790   F1787
The life and Works of Goldoni Goldoni - vita ed opere S1791   F1788
Strange Insects Insetti dall'aspetto bizarro S1792   F1789
History of Riddles Storia dell'enigmistica (la) S1793   F1791
History of Stringed Instruments Storia della liuteria (la) S1794   F1792
History of Rifles II Storia del Fucile II S1795   F1790
Ocean Birds Uccelli oceanici S1796   F1793
Tropical Birds Uccelli tropicali S1797   F1794
Lithographic Art Arte lithografica (l') S1798   F1795
Beautiful Italian Islands Belle isole Italiane (le) S1799   F1796
The World's Tallest Buildings Construzioni piu alte del mondo (le) S1800   F1797

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